Aluminum boat prices could increase substantially in the next few months as the result of ongoing investigations into the alleged dumping of cheap, Chinese-made aluminum on the US market.

Joint investigations by the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission are expected to deliver a ruling in the coming weeks on whether Chinese sheet aluminum producers benefit from unfair government subsidies. Boat builders are concerned that a decision to impose higher import duties Chinese metal could drive up the price of aluminum sheeting – and the aluminum boats manufactured with it – by up to 60%.

In 2016, imports of common sheet aluminum from China were valued at an estimated $603.6 million.

Sheet aluminum is used to produce a wide range of aluminum fishing and pontoon boats, as well as a range of accessory products like boat trailers. According to the Chicago-based National marine Manufacturers Association, American boat builders produce an average of 111,000 aluminum boats and aluminum pontoon boats each year, representing 43 percent of all new boat sales.




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