Dry bags can protect your gear on the water
Things tend to get wet on boats and keeping phones, clothing and other important gear dry has never been easier, particularly with the new generation of boat dry bags. They also keep your gear organised.
This is all the more important if you are on a small boat with limited storage space or kayaking. There is a lot more technology being put into boat dry bags and there are even models available that are made of environmentally friendly materials.
The thinking behind waterproof boat bags is that seams are not stitched together as this leaves lots of tiny holes where the needle has gone through the material, allowing water to get in. Seams on most boat dry bags are heat taped or RF welded and it depends on what they are made from as to which method works best.
Another key feature of dry bags made specifically for boating is that they often have a roll down top, although the very latest methods mean that this is not always the case. For a roll top, the material is folded down, usually three times over a semi-rigid strip that makes a tight closure and the two ends are clipped together so that water cannot work its way in.
Some boat dry bags are described as being 100% waterproof, but not all and this might depend on price. Most will float if they are dropped in the water and if immersed keep the water out for a certain period of time, but not if they are underwater for a considerable time.
Waterproof boat bags are also designed to keep out the spray when out boating, waves crashing over the boat, and also rain. There are a huge range from budget models to more expensive ones that are more likely to keep gear dry if underwater.
Acrodo Dry Bag
At the budget end is the Acrodo Dry Bag, which has a 15-liter capacity and is described as being ideal for boating. It has side buckles that mean you can attach it to other bags. This can be useful if you have a crew and want to keep all the bags connected and in one place.
According to the manufacturer, this model floats in the water and the advice is to leave a small amount of extra room for air in the dry bag to ensure that it goes not sink. It has a roll top and is made from durable fabric and is recommended for use all year round, in hot or cold conditions.
Earth Pak
The Earth Pak is described as waterproof, it has a roll top and comes with a waterproof phone case and is sold as being ideal for boating and fishing. It has been designed to last for years.
It comes in different sizes with a backpack-style shoulder strap, while the IPX8 certified 6.5-inch waterproof phone claims to accommodate even the largest of phones and has a very simple snap and lock access that has dual-sided clear windows that allow you to take pictures while the phone is still inside the case.
The Earth Pak is marketed as offering a high level of protection against water, made of heavy duty 500D PVC material, making it extremely durable and exceptional for all sorts of uses.
The adjustable shoulder strap means this boat dry bag can be used by everyone. Adaptability depends on the size you buy. The 10- and 20-liter bags have a single shoulder strap, while the 30-, 40- and 50-liter bags are more like a backpack with padded straps.
There is a D ring on the side of the bag to attach or detach the strap as required and this model comes in a variety of colors.
SealLine Baja
SealLine Baja boat dry bags come in a variety of sizes and colors and claims to give reliable and durable protection to your possessions. It has a scrim-reinforced vinyl side and a heavy duty bottom, which means that the bag stands up for easier packing.
Baja waterproof boat bags close with a dry seal roll-top closure and have an attached D-ring for securing inside a raft or onto a kayak or canoe. Available sizes go from five liters to 55 liters.
The entire bag is double stitched at the seams to prevent water from entering the bag but it does not have a strap. It has to be carried via its handle that is created by the seal of the top roll closure.
Shop for SealLine Baja Dry Bags
OverBoard Pro-Sports
At the top end in terms of price is the OverBoard Pro-Sports bag, which is described as 100% waterproof, hence the higher price bracket. It has an interesting story behind its design. It was created by a couple of backpackers, fed up with not being able to keep their gear dry during a boat and scuba trip to Thailand.
When they returned they began researching, designing, innovating and producing their first prototypes, which became the first OverBoard product.
The 40-liter Pro-Sports dry bag has fully removable padded backpack straps and a wide mouth opening for easy packing and access. It also has a large internal wet/dry pocket, external weatherproof front zip pocket and hook and loop mesh pocket.
This waterproof boat bag is described as being perfect for sailing and is made from tough PVC tarpaulin, described as being totally waterproof and suitable for quick submersion. It also has an easy to use fold and seal closure and a quick release loop for easy access to the main compartment.
Shop for Overboard Pro-Sports Dry Bags
CampShark Reveal Camp
More and more people are becoming conscious of the impact of plastic and other materials, such as chemicals, on the marine environment yet these materials are important in the manufacturing of many boat-related gear. Now CampShark’s new RevealCamp range offers boat dry bags that do not use PVC, describing the product at the next generation of waterproof bags. The manufacturer also claims to offer better elasticity and a longer life span.
It is made from a speed-dry fabric with waterproof TPU backing and it has been made to be have no ‘plastic’ odor and be resistant to oxidation. So, while PVC will fade and become yellow as time passes, this material does not.
The manufacturer also believes that TPU has better elasticity than PVC and a higher strength and tenacity, as well as having better flexibility in cold weather, while PVC is known to crack more easily.
Indeed, so confident is CampShark, that it offers a money back system if the customer is not satisfied with the the size, the color or for any reason.
Shop for CampShark Reveal Dry Bags
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