Four-strokes and high horsepower engines continue to drive North American outboard sales.

The Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA) reports that wholesale shipments of outboard engines in the United States and Canada are up over the previous year so far.

NMMA’s control group of engine manufacturers in the US, which are said to represent 95 percent of the market, report wholesale shipments to dealers to be up by 6 percent for the year-over-year period through April. As has been the case for several months, gains are reported to be strongest for four-strokes and higher-powered engines.

Retail sales for the same period, based on warranty card registrations, were up even higher, showing a year-over-year increase of 7.9 percent.

Wholesale shipments to dealers in Canada grew even more, reaching a level of 16 percent above the previous year through March. Corresponding dollars were up by a full 29 percent, although that figure almost certainly reflects changes in the currency exchange rate over the past 12 months.

Canadian engine warranty card registrations were up by 4.2 percent through March.


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