Preview Day at the Toronto Boat Show offers a chance to tour North America’s largest indoor boat show without the weekend crowds while enjoying tasty treats.
The Toronto International Boat Show has rebranded the event’s popular Special Preview Night with extended hours and new ticketing.
Traditionally held on the evening prior to the show’s opening day, Special Preview Night provided VIPs who paid a premium early entry to the show, with proceeds donated to support local children’s charities. The concept proved so popular that Special Preview Night has been rebranded as Preview Day, with extended hours. “Rebranding Special Preview Night to become Preview Day will allow more people to enjoy a VIP look at North America’s largest indoor boat show,” said show manager, Cynthia Hare. “Preview Day allows show visitors to preview the entire show without the weekend crowds, and be the first to take advantage of the best deals of the season while supporting children’s charities.”
Apart from an early entry to the show, Preview Day will feature live entertainment and the opportunity to bid on a number of unique items – including boats – offered through both silent and live auctions. As in the past, proceeds will be donated in support of local children’s charities. To date, these donations exceed $710,000.
Apart from extended hours, beginning this year visitors will have two ticket entry options, including a basic VIP entry and a more substantial, fully catered package. Ticket prices are $35 and $100, respectively.
The Toronto International Boat Show’s 2016 Preview Day is scheduled for Friday, January 8, 2016 from 2:00 pm till 8:00 pm. The show runs from January 9 to 17 inclusive at the Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place.